Wednesday, July 29, 2009


havent blogged in like .. a week :P
so ... basketball's been going fine
finally getting warmed up ... and getting some of my shooting back into rhythim
thats about all thats happened in the past week :p
and i went to see ice age
if you havent seen it
and the token machine at famous players wouldnt work D:
oh no ><
so that kinda sucked
yea ...
and today ... i went to dlg to play basketball and ran into this 23 guy from ubc ... shot around with him for a while :D
so thats about how my life has been

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


i played like 8 hrs of maple today O.O
didn t go to basketball today ...
knee still hurt =P
im going tommorow FOR SURE
in the morning too
which i sense is gonna be painful ... -.-
hope i dont hurt myself :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009


so ... today iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
did the usual
spent like 4 hrs on the computer ...
and then i played tennis :D
and you know what??
you know how vik and varun never do anything rite ... =P well they wouldnt even go to laurier to play tennis -.- which is like 3 streets away D:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


i went to see harry potter :D
it wasnt bad ...
meaning it was mostly storyline ... and not that much action and like magic battles or anything =P
just the part with the zombies

Monday, July 13, 2009

summer - 20

happy birthday aleksander :D
went to his place today for his party =P
me jack him and ivo ... this bulgarian kid thats kinda cool ... and who jack says has the same voice as me :p
went to rush
ate cake :D
ate pizza
and then came back at like 9 =(
sorry mom

Friday, July 10, 2009


i went with wayne to youth group :D
and i hurt my self ... :/
it wasnt bad ... except the last hour ish ... which was prayer ...
and i just sat there feeling weird ... -.-

Thursday, July 9, 2009


havent blogged in a while ...
in like .. 5 days or something :D
soo ...
yea ...
lots of things happened in those 5 ish days
and im not gonna tell you anything about it! ^^ bibi

Thursday, July 2, 2009


today i ...
went to kevin's house =)
went to Rush =P arcade
bought iris's birthday party .... which i have a bad feeling about =(
but i have to go now cuz i already spend 20 bucks on her