Thursday, June 25, 2009


today I
went to school got my report card D: got a GPA of around 2.7 :D yay
then i went to macs ... got a messed up slurpee =( that was all ice >< so i gave it to brandon :D who did something to it ... threw it away or something =P
then my friends did something stupid =P they ditched me =O
while i was buying candy >< =O how dare they =P
so i wasnt really mad ... =) i went to an arcade =D and waste 5 ish bucks =P
i also found 20 $ on the ground =) which turned out to be alexes =( so we gave it back ><
after that we went to richmond center and ate stuff =P
i saw rose =O
then after lunch ... which was a cheese dog with orange soda, chips (which i didnt finish cuzz they were original) and a waffle cone :D i should have gotten a sundae D:
then we went to kevin's house and played rock band ^^ fjaskehgtiaeurgtiuaereshiufb i failed at singing ><
then i bused home ... which was weird cuz we could find the bus stop =(
but we did eventaully :D
then i bought pizza and went home =)

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