Tuesday, September 29, 2009

termone - 17

so today ....
um ...
i had day 1
and OH!
i got my go card :P
i never noticed how flat my hair was o.o
and some people's names got messed :D

Monday, September 28, 2009

termone - 16

so ..............
today was clubs day -.-
and i got pressured into 3 clubs
and the worst thing about it is ...
i dont know where any of them meet
so could u tell me the meeting times or the debate club, lost and found club, and youth club??
thank you D:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

termone - 15

soccer game today D:
we just ... totally fell apart in the last like 20 minuts D:
heres what happened ><
so going into the half we were leading 3 - 1. the first 15 ish minutes of the second went ... not bad =( then we just broke down
they got one goal (on a breakaway)
and then we just crumpled under the pressure of their offense =( plus ... we kept falling into their ofside trap -.- which was really anoyying cuz it seemed like the ref was on their side o.o they even knew his name ... Jamie i think it was ...
so they got like 6 corners in the last few minutes , and i made some stops, but then on like the 4th one mackenzie ... my right d-man messed up and let the ball run through, and i had to put it out of bounds again. then on the second corner they scored 0.0
it was like all scrambly and i lost track of the ball ='(
so thats how the game went -.-
yea ... D:

Friday, September 25, 2009

termone - 14

went to oakridge today with pamela derrek chantal andy and helen
and then to jeffreys house :D
which had video games :P
got foos at oakride ...
yea ...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

termone - 13

yay :P
heading over to oakridge with some friends (doint know who yet ...)
things can sneak up on u so easily D;
vanessa wants us to finish note taking tmr o.o ive barely started D: - NOT GOOD
the socials map things due and teusday ... D: and ive just go tthe outline >< - NOT
.,vmlka troiuaoi lthn

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

termone - 12 SUPERBLOG D:!

ow D:
i scraped my knee -.-
and didnt go to soccer practice .... its not like bleeding or anything but yea... hurts
ill be fine stop worrying about me D;
and i rose grew in my back yard o.o had no idea it was even there

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

termone - 11

hah a:D
i madfe cookies totay :P
and some guy forgot to put flour and bakcking soda into his haha
it was so funny ..... everyone in my class was like laughing for 5 mins D:
cuz his cookies were flat o.o like literally FLAT!! like crepes ... except they tasteed pretty good :D weird
and i made 6 huge cookies ... they werent bad ... o.o and i didnt go to the student election thing ..... cuz i was making cookies ;D
didnt vote either o.o

Saturday, September 19, 2009

termone - 10

soccer game today >< that we lost -.-
easily could have stopped both goals that went in on me ... D:
but i didnt -.-
went to the library too ...
and couldnt find anything on the shining path D:
thats just not cool ><
but i got some slasa :D
salsa ...
and half of its alrady gone o.o

Thursday, September 17, 2009

termone - 9

nearly done my map ;D
now i just need mountains and coloring -.-"
... weightroom in PE D: and peter left >< next we play ms brethorton's im dodgeball ... he's dead D:
finished watching the string theory thing ... theoy M o.o ahhhhhh :P
that really clears things up O.o

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

termone - 8

so ........................................... :P
there was an optional soccer practice today .. with the big kids D: the gr 12s -.- i didnt go cuz i wouldnt have gotten any playing time ... so yea :D
safety poster thing for science ... so much drawing D: and a cover thing for out text book :P which i used saran wrap on :D so u can see right through it and you can write on it and make it look like your writing on you book :D
so i drew a beard on the astronaut :P
i actaully came in late today o.o but i dont actaually know if my french teacher - MS ZIAKOS :D love that name - marked me late or not o.O
cuz i just walked in after the bell rang while she was still taking attendance D:

i made my own lunch today :D
actaully ... i brought my own lunch
cuz my mom made it -.-
so yea ...
:D that how my day went

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

termone - 7

soccer practice :P
getting close to ready :D which is good
cuz the season start on saturday :P
you know whats weird about my team? o.o im better them some of the people there ... and im the goalie -.-"

D: map
ugh -.-
atleast its not homework : D
and we got the shining path for ss ... which is like this peruvian thing that everyone wanted :D so ha D:

Monday, September 14, 2009

termone - 6

so .... uh ....
today i ....
um ...
had class o.o
thats about it o.o
nothing realy interesting or cool happened ... just regular school D:
and i forgot my math homework at schook -.-
so ill go do it really :P get there at 8 : D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

termone - 5

soccer practice today
yea :P
that went ... well O.o
um ... :p
nothing really happened today D;
so i guess ill put up a pic of a soccer ba;; :D










fa lkfj akldfjaljflqa

:P im bored ... so ill add another soccer ball :D

Saturday, September 12, 2009

termone - 4 - SUPERBLOG D:!

i got a bank account today :D
it has 40 dollars :P
and i got popcorn
cheese flavored popcorn =) from kernels
looks like that V but more yellow

Friday, September 11, 2009

termone - 3

friday ... :D
project D:
jnoniapo jgladl
cant belive we have a project to do on the first
well second =P
day of school D:
at least i have vanessa O.o ... which is good =P
so ... yea O.o
thats how my life went today =P

Thursday, September 10, 2009

termone - 2

omg D:
stupid musquito bites
stupid musqito bites
the pain
the anoyance
i got homeworkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
from science
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh D:
i have to make a name tag
o.o um ... yay >...>.>.>>.>>>>>..>.>.>.>.>>
and a title page ... um .. NO!! D;D;D;::D::DDD:DDD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:;;;;D:
so ... yea o>o
jflak hfkajhkjasnzcio

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

termone - 1

so.... first day of school =/
theres good and bad to that ...
bad - work D;
good - get something to do O.o

today was ... good? got my text books and stuff like that

had soccer practice ... hurt my finger D;
which sucks ... cuz now i cant really hold a pencil O.o
hopes its not broken or anything ............................................... d=
so .. yea =P
thats how my year started