Wednesday, September 16, 2009

termone - 8

so ........................................... :P
there was an optional soccer practice today .. with the big kids D: the gr 12s -.- i didnt go cuz i wouldnt have gotten any playing time ... so yea :D
safety poster thing for science ... so much drawing D: and a cover thing for out text book :P which i used saran wrap on :D so u can see right through it and you can write on it and make it look like your writing on you book :D
so i drew a beard on the astronaut :P
i actaully came in late today o.o but i dont actaually know if my french teacher - MS ZIAKOS :D love that name - marked me late or not o.O
cuz i just walked in after the bell rang while she was still taking attendance D:

i made my own lunch today :D
actaully ... i brought my own lunch
cuz my mom made it -.-
so yea ...
:D that how my day went

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