Sunday, December 6, 2009

termtwo - 9

ahhhh ...
woke up at 10 today :D
but still tired .... *YAWN* gonna go for a jog of langara later ... >.> need to cut my time down to 13 mins ish ... D: must get in shape O: NEED TO WIN SOCCER GAMES! D:!
ugh ...
i kinda planned this weekend to be a homework weekend .. but eh ... :p that didnt really happen..
so i still need to do my science review ... and my science project ... and my science fair >.> DONT YOU JUST LOVE HOW MS TANG GIVES SO LESS HOMEWORK!!!!!!!D:! like i bet she gives more marks in 1 term than some teachers do all year :( and thats stressful ... all that work O-o
alll that work ...... D:
i blame ms tang for ... alot of my stress o_o my sister gets the rest :P

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