Friday, January 22, 2010

termtwo - 48

ugh :\
my friday sucked
so first i wake up at 10 :D thats good
then i have this huge fight with my mom where i break a chair about my science fair D: thats bad
then i go to sunset and play a team of little 7 year olds D: that sucked cuz they sucked so i didnt do anthing >.>
then i had to wait for ajit to give me a ride back to my place so i could get ready for the game D: that sucked ALOT cuz i had to like run between my house and their place like twice .... :\
and then the game itself sucked cuz ... O.O I GOT HURT! :0
first time ive come out of a game cuz of injury ...
i had a couple for skin rashed on turf a few years back
but neve injury :(
and then we tied
so its all good
good ish

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