Wednesday, March 31, 2010

termthree - 6

heading to disneyland tmr :D
but today was cool too? :P
we sang in app skills O_O which was weird cuz i dont think anyone tried so yea ..... it sounded pretty bad :P
i played the drums so i didnt have to sing
but that was weird too o_o for some reason all the songs except one love had a really weird beat.. and i could follow it at all! not even tapping my foot to it ... it just ... iunno didnt sound right o.O

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Termthree - 5

Ahhhh first day of track =) it was pretty fun... Did some long jump, and learned how to get a start from the block :( now very good at it toughhh......... Thats too bad
:D whatching the canucks murder the cyotetes rite now ... 4-1 lui just made a big glove save on some guy from holland or something -> vrbata ahhhhh
so yea today was pretty cool

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Monday, March 29, 2010

termthree - 4

ugm :)
2 things about it
NUMBA 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -> gave a 2min presentaion about it and and obviously UGM is gonna win :)
NUMBA 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -> im also gonna try to get some volunteering in there :) yeaaaaa so thatll be pretty awesome
cuz on my list......................................homelessness is pretty bad :\ one of the badder things that were dealing with :(
so im gonna help out :D
so yep :) today was ... that

Sunday, March 28, 2010

termthree - 3

so today was ""supposed to be a homework day



clearly not what happened.. did not get ANY work dont o_o no idea why

so yea ...

school tmr ...

and then disneyland on thurday :D yayay something to look forward to :P

gonna go see doctor tmr cuz got this rash thingon my rib o.o its like 6 mosqiutos came and bit m the sametime O:





Saturday, March 27, 2010

termthree - 2

So uh.... today was .. As they say in china sha do mei you which basically means - nothing happened xP
pretty much... Other than the canucks losing to the shark... :( <- sad face Yea.. Luongo had a real good bounceback game after the trainwreck that happened vs edmonton :( again <- sad face
yea... I spent alot of today shooting hockey balls at a net :) got a new shootout move down so... Thats good :D hahbszhbszhbhzbshahbszhbszhbhzbs
yea... So bye?
hope something happens tmr????


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Friday, March 26, 2010

termthree - 1

i am officially starting term 3 blogs YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
dont know y it was so early but :Piunno
today was .. good ish?
cheese tasting! :D ... that was good eating cheese :) and then yea ... :P cuz eric is like lactose intolarant and henry hates chees e... i got 3 cups of sparlkly apple juice :D
and then... HOCKEY!
1:59 pm took on these 12th graders... that killed us >.> i only played for 1 period... and let in 6 goals then kevin went in and got like DESTROYED! score ended up 16-8
:( sorry leo
but then at sunset the game was better :) vic rai got SO PISSED! He was like swearing at the refs and throwing his stick everywhere
got a penalty for it too
and we took the game 6-4
gonna sweep the series next week

Thursday, March 25, 2010

terntwo - 88

buskerfest :)
may ... i cant really do that much :P i can kinda beatbox ish :P
but for the lean on me song the beat is pretty simple : ) 2 bar sequence thats pretty steady without too much bump
yea ....
so tomorows pretty big!
got the intermural game with leos tea,.. no idea who its againts
then the BIG game
first of the 3game series vs the fuzzy peaches :D
gotta play WAY
of a structured game
cuz theyre more talented than us so we gotta get structure in our game and play a 2-1-1
3man backdrop each time.
ajit and jaspreet can play up , cherrypick and score
vik and varun can play mid cuz they can run
teg manjot and joggie stick to D so they gotta shutdown vic rai
if everything goes like it should , we can do this!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

termtwo - 87

dad took me to this technology convention downtown today ... called globe2010 or something
it was ....
i didnt get most of the stuff about technological advancement ... i actually thought it was gonna be fun when i went ... aparently not :\
and kivanche might sell me his blackberry for 80bucks :D yayayay
if i choose to buy it :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

termtwo - 86

ugh :\
loads of hockey today ... gonna get some sleep and .. not drink too many monsters >.>
that was a bad a idea :( threw up my dinner
note to self ... 2 and a half monsters in 2 days is NOT good ....
atleast we won the tourney yesterday :D

Friday, March 19, 2010

termtwo - 84

6 - 3 :D
i played D and that worked pretty well :) hahaha
the first goals was one that cypher just blasted in from the point coming in from a rush
the 3rd one was ... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... a shot that came from ryan??? and then kenny tiped it in :D
the 3rd one was kinda my fault :( ryan took a shot and ii blocked it but jogpaul didnt react to it and then charles banged in the rebound :\
then we headed to oak park and played with some 12graders from JO :P they were pretty damn awesome! :D
and yep :) awesome

Thursday, March 18, 2010

termtwo - 83

HOCKEY TMR! :D im gonna ...................................... go to sunset! >:D
try to play defense ... if ajit doesnt get too stupid that should work
get some sleep tonight

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

termtwo - 82

back at school :D
vow of silence ... o_o did not get any ... of the pledge things ... D: thats bad

soccer game sat + sun
that should be fun
and quenno of clovers... whatever that is o_o yay

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

termtwo - 81

ahhh :(
didnt really feel good today
should be fine tmr ...
no idea what was wrong o_o weak ... headache... dizzy ... tired D:
sould be fine tmr

Monday, March 15, 2010

termtwo - 80

ugh back to school D:
what isnt hohum is my hockey practice today :P
steven craig came and nailed me in the neck with like a 50km slapshot :/
kinda red not but im fine :D
so yea
that was my day ...
agents of change went well :P sharons mad at me for not giving her a A o_o big deal sharon

Friday, March 12, 2010

termtwo - 79

so spring break is officially over... o_o i guess??
cuz its the weekend tmr and .... I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAD NOTHING BETTER TO DO THIS YEAR BUT PLAY HOCKEY O: i mean ... i love hockey but i wouldve thought that i had better things to do O.O
apparently i dont
which makes me sad (:
i mean >:(
all i really did other than hockey was go see alice in wonderland ... which was a boring movie! one that i would say isnt worth the 30min wait in line to get good seats for O:
but yea .... i ve bloggged 2times this break o_o not that good :P but itll do ? :D
so tmr .... wake up late
and do ... my homework? o_o or actually go do something??? iunno O:
so yea

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

termtwo - 78

wow havent blogged in a while so ..... lets do this
on friday - schools out :D a week of spring break and im going to disneyland sunday
didnt get into preIB but thats cool :P no biggy
on saturday - hockey in the morning packing in the afternoon
on sunday - WOW O: our flight to disneyland gets cancelled cuz my sis doesnt have a passport and u need one but my parents thought they could get by on a birth certificate D:
monday .... um ... more hockey ... and ... o_o yea
tuesday - saw alice in wonderland .... not that good of a movie >.> no huge action mostly plotline and story ... not living up to transformers 2 :D
and thats how its been so far
out :P

Thursday, March 4, 2010

termtwo - 77

do i wanna go play hockey at sunset?
or here at chuchill intermurals :D
uh ... iunnno
talk to ajit about all this tmr
im kinda hoping to play for the intermural team tmr cuz were pretty much locked into a 3rd place finish at sunset
im sure ajit wont mind if i skip one game :P dunno

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

termtwo - 76

jafsldjlfksajd :D SOUTH PARK
no soccer today :) so i get time to start on my agents of change thing
and nhl hockey is back! O:
not the level of olympic hockey. but playoffs are in 19games :D lets do this

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

termtwo - 75

ahhhhhhhhh :)

today .... o_o
today uh ....
nothing happened :D
im so proud of how meaniful my blog is arent you >:D