Friday, March 12, 2010

termtwo - 79

so spring break is officially over... o_o i guess??
cuz its the weekend tmr and .... I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAD NOTHING BETTER TO DO THIS YEAR BUT PLAY HOCKEY O: i mean ... i love hockey but i wouldve thought that i had better things to do O.O
apparently i dont
which makes me sad (:
i mean >:(
all i really did other than hockey was go see alice in wonderland ... which was a boring movie! one that i would say isnt worth the 30min wait in line to get good seats for O:
but yea .... i ve bloggged 2times this break o_o not that good :P but itll do ? :D
so tmr .... wake up late
and do ... my homework? o_o or actually go do something??? iunno O:
so yea

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