Monday, April 12, 2010

No Subject

Lalalal :) today was.... bleh average ish? Yea sure
apps skills we - i got into khristha buskerfest group and were gonna play wavin flag i guess ill do something on the drums? Maybe....
in math ... the usual stuff ms lin obviously doesnt get symmetry :D so that was funny ... yeaa
in PE .... :( i ditched andee in badminton and went with derek and then played andee who was with sharon and they killed us >< that sucks.... yea we only won 1 game in the entire period and we barely won vs ajit + .... i think it was chrysbrian
yeaaa pppp

:) haha and in socials we Had the debates again which was actually pretty funny cuz there was a lot of shouting and arguing and stuff going on so that was nice....
and yeaaaa
that was my Day? :)
sent from a telus phone :D

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