Thursday, May 13, 2010

Aucun sujet

Ahhh so..... today we had something called happy hour at starbucks :D haha that was cool
all the frappocinos were halfprice and i got the large, or as starbuckisian people call "venti"
thats was cool :) haha sean was there and they ran out of strawberries for his frapp! So he had to get a green tea one and they arent that awesome xP but maybe thats just me! :D

sooooooooo o.O
what else happened today.... uhhhh omg the play! ...
for english we finished up our play and... ours was ok :) it wasnt that funny but really well acted... and brandons was just.... WRONG O.O they like ... raped carmen... so yea :P
theres my day
ignore pic below plz :D

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