Saturday, October 31, 2009

termone - 44

happy halloween everyone :P
went to my friends place and ate cookies! xD yea ...
and then they dragged me along trick or treating D: and i just went along ... and on the way back at sexmith the was this police car ... and i have no idea what was going on o_o" i think
so yea
and then i got mcdonalds :P

Friday, October 30, 2009

termone - 43

did a book test :D got candy :P
aweesome ..... did harry potters 1 2 3 which wasnt hard ... was easy
then ................................................................................................... i came home .... and watched TV xD
isnt that just awsome???
like 5 hours
so ... nothing planned >.>
for tommorow ... i thought i was gonna go to like frights nights or something ... but ... iunno o_o
we're too disorganized :P

Thursday, October 29, 2009

termone - 42

nov 10 ...
novembre 10 ...
the 10th of november
doesnt matter how i say it ... still sounds scary >.>
its not that i dont think i'll be able to finish the project by then ... its that i was planning to read some of the physics books D: and now i cant really because the deadline ... so i have to skip to the part about just string theory and only read that D:! which sucks cuz it wouldve been nice to get someone background knowledge o_o"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

termone - 41

really roughy practice today >.>
it was pouring rain and coach wasnt there so practice was run by the U18s and they made us like rum sprints for 30 mins o.o which wasnt that bad ... just that it was pouring rain so damn hard
and luongo got injured ........... how ... did ... that ... happen?? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> D:
not looking good ....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

termone - 40

im my room
and im gonna sleep on it tonight ..... xP
its red and italianxP
in my room
and im gonna sleep in it tonightts ,,,,,,,,,,,,.s hjt,lsa..... ..

termone - 47 SUPERBLOG D:!

thats where i went for work :P
but it wasnt with my dad :( cuz he had this really sudden buissness trip that came up ... and he's in Oklahoma ... i think o_o
but his friend Rob, who also works there gave me like a tour and andswered some questions :D
then i went to soccer and coach is like really hurt o.O or something ... hasnt shown up to anything in like ... 2 weeks
hm ... next game is againts killarney ... oh man >.>
snap O.O need to do my science

Monday, October 26, 2009

termone - 39

so ... i started the apps skills rechearch :P
yea ... its due in like ................ 1 wk? D: well i learned a lot ...
like how time and space are comeletly relavtive, along with distance.
everything that we know about seperation is based upon some background
and ............................... were gonna make cookies! D=<
but they suck -.-
i tried one, like just a little piece ... and it is HORRIBLE!
and mine are probably gonna be worse =(

Sunday, October 25, 2009

termone - 38

ugh ... still kinda sick but getting wayyyyy better ...
and .... apparently our gutters are broken o.O
my dad tryed to like take a tube thing and guide the water away from the leak ... that didnt work :P
mostly cuz the tube was ,,, leaking o.O yea ... thats important ... for the tube not to leak ...
and this other one is like all clogged up with leaves and all that stuff ... so its like over flowing xD
hahaha ! if you walk under it you get like a really really dirty shower xP
sick sick sick ...
halloween ........ ............ .... i wanna go to fright nights D:! im probably gonna like book it out of there in like 10 mins ;P but whatever ... got more things to waste my money on :P
oh ... and if owen is reading this (which is like not possible O.O)
sorry i missed ur party :P blame swine flu

Saturday, October 24, 2009

termone - 37 SUPERBLOG D:!

i totally forgot we were supposed to do a superblog every week ... O.O
for like all of october ...
and its not the score that matters! ITS THAT
captin canuck
mr roberto luongoooooooooooooooooo XD
but theres been some really bad goaltending in the nhl too O.o
like this one

Friday, October 23, 2009

termone - 36

nothing happened today ...
pro D day ...
do nothing day :P
abosoloutley nothing ... took a nap ... ate stuff ... got prank calls from elaine O.o
thats about it ... :P
and burned like 4 hr on the tv
yea ... :D

Thursday, October 22, 2009

termone - 35

not sick@ >=D !!@!@
welll atleast not sick enough to miss school :P
and school was nice .. :) he finished pretige ... which was really weird ... and after im finished this blog ... im gonna go wikipoedia it!! >+D
then i had a dentist appointment D:
haha sean has braces :P
double teen burger and fried rice ... O.,O

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

termone - 34

ughh ...
im sick D:!
but its not swine flu : D
its more like some kind of stomach flu thing .... doc said ill be good in 4 ish days but i dont feel that bad anymore XD
even went to soccer practice ... where there was this italian guy coaching us :P

Monday, October 19, 2009

termone - 33

ran langara today D=<
got ..............
............ 13:27 o.o
which isnt bad ... cuz the person behind me got like 14 something.
but whats sucks is that nico cyrus and remi are always gonna be ahead of me -.-
so im always gonna be 4th D:
and i think it slows me down ... cuz im like WOW NO POINT TRYING TO CATCH THEM ... NOT EVEN GONNA KEEP SIGHT OF HIM
doesnt really help when u have the fasted kid in the grade in your class ... he got like 10 mins ... AND HE WAS INJURED!!! D:
soccer practice tmr -.-
get ready for the pain

Sunday, October 18, 2009

termone- 32

soccer pictureee dayy ...
that went horrible -.-
so we were supposed to show up for pictures at like 2 : 15 ish and like ... 7 people showed up o.O
which sucked cuz now coach is making us do laps D: for it he said somewhere around 15 ... ><
well we kinda deserve it ... after what happened YESTERDAY ....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

termone - 31

soo today was the first game of the season, and guess what? -.-
it was horrible
so first ...
we have to drive to squamish cuz thats where the team is >.>
shouldnt they be in like abother division?? D: anyway
so we get up there and the weathers not bad .... kinda rainy
but the first thing that went wrong was .... alvin and luke werent there ><
so that sucked
next ... they scored like 1 minute into the game >=(
and so that sucked... then this guy rammed into me and now my wrist is sore Dx
and ...
eh ...
im not even gonna decribe all the things that went wrong -.-
ill just say we lost 9 -1
one of my worst games ...

Friday, October 16, 2009

termone - 30

snap >.>
so today is friday right ... and thats when Mr Hauck does all his book tests ... and i forgot to do mine -.-
... now what? D: is he gonna like ban me from doing harry potter 1? o.o
cuz that would suck ....
and the canucks r losing so bad >,<
5 - 0 to the flames ... and what sucks the most is that 2 goals were by the 4th line D:
that is NOT good ....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

termone - 29

haha today we played with gum xP
in science class we did this lab where you get gum and streach it out to see how sticky it is.
so we used excel dentyne and trydent .... and the trydent was SO BAD! D: it was like that dental gum stuff that u use to make ur teeth whiter ....... ewwwwwwwwwwwww >.<"""
it tasted like ... really old peppermint ,,, D:
i dont have anything againts peppermint ... ist just that the trydent stuff is so baddd .... -.-

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

termone - 28

ouch shots -.-
owwies D:
the tetanus booster wasnt actaully that bad ... but the MMR was like ... stingy ... o_o
and you know what weird?
they said that you should sit down and rest for like 15mins, and the nurse put down the time that she started to give me the shots, and then she let me go like10 mins after that ... so i only really had 5 mins :P
but i got a cookie xD from the vending machine iy had rainbow chocolate chips =P
ugh .... socials today -.- project ... D:
nooooooo .... presentation ...
it wasnt that hard o.o just that vannesa wants everything to be soooo perfect. and then she yells at me when i dont do it right, and then when i tell her to do it she just like ... walks away ....
and the questions part o.O that part sucked cuz whenever someone asked a question I'd like start to answer it and then like vannesa would jump in and answer it ... i got to answer like ... 2 questions o.o
and then she got mad at me cuz i admitted that i didnt know what socialism was -.-
how was i supposed to know? D: she kept using the words coalition and central unity to explain it ><"
but i got a donut after school ;P so its allllll goood

Monday, October 12, 2009

termone - 27

today was a homework day :D
yay ...
and i got vannesa's speech in the email, and guess what ... its not really a speech o.o
i think she wants us to like read the thing word for word.... and its so boring D:! its like listening to someone read and essay o.o
and its not that its poorely written ... its just boring :P
so i made it a little less boring :P
before it was and essay that we were gonna read .... now its a speech we're gonna read >=)
so happy thanksgivings everyone O.o even though i ate turkey yesterday ... cuz i wasnt paying attention to the calender and my parents thought it was supposed to be eaten on sunday :P
happy thanksgiving
happy new year
eat turkey
laugh ...
and eat more turkey : D

Sunday, October 11, 2009

termone - 26

so big day today :P
lets get started ... k
first i went to run langara :D yep
with my dad :p anddddddddd i got a time of 13 : 30 ish :x
yay XD
then we had this chinese thanksgiuving thing o.o
where u eat turkey with chopsticks xD
that was kinda cool ... ish ... o.o the was sushi ... rice balls ... turkey of course ;p cranberry sauce ..... 8D (mouth waters) then strawberries with chcolate o.o but it was dark chocolate D:
and then ... for some reason my parents keep calling banana bread cake O.o but we had that as well :P
and then i taught the other family's kids how to play computer games :D haha
they were like ITS MY TURN!
and im like :P
NO! IM PLAYING!!! ... rawr :P

Saturday, October 10, 2009

termone - 25

wow o.o
today i realize how people view me ...
so i was at vannesa's house doing the project rite ... and then its my turn to do a powerpoint slide and she and winnie are like - BEN!! HURRY UP YOUR S SLOW!
and then they kick me off the computer and then their like - BEN!! YOUR NOT DOING ANYTHING!! D:
and im like ... - YOU GUYS WONT LET ME DO ANYTHING!!
and theyre like - THATS CUZ YOU MESS UP!!
and theyre like ... - WHATEVER! YOUR WORTHLESS
and then i make some joke about one of her bunnies and she kicks me :P
yea ... and i walked home in the dark >< all alone ... at 8 oclock :P

Friday, October 9, 2009

termone - 24

soooooooooo ... today was pretty ... :D
i changed my blog :P
that was the highlight pretty much o.o that and how pamela broke down crying cuz ... stuff o.o
im not telliung :P
but i think it had something to do with me having a rubber band fight with owen o.o like right outside her locker ...
and i hope shes not mad at me D; cuz that would suck .... -.-
yea ... ;P
that is all o.o
oh ......
and im using this new thing where i send a email to Mr. Olson everytime i blog AUTOMATICALLY!! xD
so HI MR OLSON!! : D
/end blog

welcome message

welcome to my new blog :P
i just felt like i needed o change : D
so..... ill be back later today >=)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

termone - 23

well ... after 1 week ... i have quit debate club
im sorry ... i shouldnt have signed up for a club i wasnt gonna keep my commitment to blah blah blah ...
but seriously D: i was MISLEAD!! I THOUGHT I WAS JUST GONNA BE 1HR OF PEOPLE YEALLING AT EACH OTHER ABOUT HOW YOU SHOULD OR SHOULDNT EAT BABIES!! D: GOSH! and i alsodont plan on showing up to lost and found or youth club o.o ... though i actaully have no idea what youth club is : D
so ...
i made pancakes :D haha well actaully i just made the fruit sauce :P and it tasted really good :D THANK YOU! ... except i forgot to wash it ... and there were some seeds in it o.o and i didnt butter the pot first... but it still tasted good :D! yayyy ... :P
and plus ... we made this one HUGE pancake that we messed up when we were flipping it ... well alexie messed it up :P i just watched
and then after i ate the pancakes i ate like half a cup of maple syrup! YEA! YEA I DID! :D!
and then i had to wash the dishes -.- which sucked cuz ... i forgot to wear an apron D: oh no! so i got my pants and shirt sooooooo wet, that i had to change into my gym strip >< to go to chevron cuz it was FREEZING! argh ... slurpee : D

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

termone - 22

so apperently we're going tent camping? o.o
thats what mr martin said ... D: i dont want to go tent camping ><
argh ... ><
and i got a 4 on my math test o.o
but thats not important :P
anyway yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
vannesa is toltally FREAKING out
cuz we havent done anything for our project yet o.o
and she's like NO !! I WILL NOT STOP SPAZZING!! D:
so our project's messed and shes gonna get the worst grade of her life ... a C!a
D: dundunduduuuuuun

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

termone - 21

D: ahhhhhhhhhh
stomach ache ........ ><
i think it was from this pancake I ate in foods class o.o
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its like all rumbly and stuff ><
i have no idea what happened ... >.>
and i have to run langara or something tomorow
but atleast its a proD day ill be fine till 10:00

Sunday, October 4, 2009

termone - 20

sooooooooooooo ...
today is sunday ... o.o
and the sky is blue??? : D
iunno ...
nothing to blog about :P ... i madea pizza =)
and i ... ate food? o.o
yea ... =P
and i went with my dad to hiw friends place in burnaby and he had this HUGE garden and his own hill o.o
thats about it ............................
school tmr ... day 1 :]

Saturday, October 3, 2009

termone - 19

happy mooncake day :D
eat lots of mooncakes :P
with all that jelly stuff inside o.o
what is that stuff anyway?
vanessa and winnie came over for the prject ... kept going on about how empty my house was D:
well ... next time dont come to my house ! i told them it was boring =(
but yea ................... o.o
and we actaully got SOMETHING done
like we wrote a few lines of speech D;
vannesa's probably gonna end up doing everything anyway ... and im fine with that cuz if i did everything we'd get a C =P
so yea ...
: D
thats how my day went o.o

Thursday, October 1, 2009

termone - 18

ahhhhhhhhhh ...
its hockey season :D
canucks flames opener
big hits ... phaneuf being a *****
honda commercails :D
beer ...
so today .. we did 6 laps and i got 10 mins !!! D: YEAAAAA!!!
the i went to the debate club today ... and no offence ... i thought itd be just like 1 hr of yelling at each other D:
boring ...