Sunday, October 25, 2009

termone - 38

ugh ... still kinda sick but getting wayyyyy better ...
and .... apparently our gutters are broken o.O
my dad tryed to like take a tube thing and guide the water away from the leak ... that didnt work :P
mostly cuz the tube was ,,, leaking o.O yea ... thats important ... for the tube not to leak ...
and this other one is like all clogged up with leaves and all that stuff ... so its like over flowing xD
hahaha ! if you walk under it you get like a really really dirty shower xP
sick sick sick ...
halloween ........ ............ .... i wanna go to fright nights D:! im probably gonna like book it out of there in like 10 mins ;P but whatever ... got more things to waste my money on :P
oh ... and if owen is reading this (which is like not possible O.O)
sorry i missed ur party :P blame swine flu

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