Wednesday, October 14, 2009

termone - 28

ouch shots -.-
owwies D:
the tetanus booster wasnt actaully that bad ... but the MMR was like ... stingy ... o_o
and you know what weird?
they said that you should sit down and rest for like 15mins, and the nurse put down the time that she started to give me the shots, and then she let me go like10 mins after that ... so i only really had 5 mins :P
but i got a cookie xD from the vending machine iy had rainbow chocolate chips =P
ugh .... socials today -.- project ... D:
nooooooo .... presentation ...
it wasnt that hard o.o just that vannesa wants everything to be soooo perfect. and then she yells at me when i dont do it right, and then when i tell her to do it she just like ... walks away ....
and the questions part o.O that part sucked cuz whenever someone asked a question I'd like start to answer it and then like vannesa would jump in and answer it ... i got to answer like ... 2 questions o.o
and then she got mad at me cuz i admitted that i didnt know what socialism was -.-
how was i supposed to know? D: she kept using the words coalition and central unity to explain it ><"
but i got a donut after school ;P so its allllll goood

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