Monday, November 30, 2009

termone - 3

ah ....... so ... today ... we had ... a day 2 o_o
and yea ... nothing really special happens ... that or something does but i forget it which wouldnt make it that special anymore would it :P
but in english class... iris did her book presentation, which was kinda cool cuz they acted out the WHOLE book which is ... eh ... got boring :P but the plot was really elaborate o_o and rene said they got it from detective conan :P i have no idea cuz ive never read anything of those animes
and in Science ... oh >.> project D:!
make a game... sounds fun

Sunday, November 29, 2009

termtwo - 2

ugh >.> i think i pulled a hammy or something! D:! that and i got a busted kneecap :P DONT YOU JUST LOVE SOCCER? :D I DO!!!
anyway ... vikings keep rolling, beat the cubs by like 20 ish and im gonna go watch sudnaynight football soon :P woke up at 10 ... :D
and done all my hw :D assuming wayne finished binding the book ... o_o if he didn't were so dead D:!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

temtwo - 1

saturday ....... >.>
another soccer game ... that sucked D:!
so going into the second half we had a 2 goal lead ... then they scored 5 in like the last 10 mins D:!
but we managed to get a point from the game so it wasn't that bad ... its just the way that we got totally destroyed =(

Friday, November 27, 2009

termone - 70

last day of temoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .... :D
yayt? D:
well ... ye a... i dont think i did that well :S so thats bad ...
got like 63 in math... gave my self a 78 in the self eval though :D so there 1 B that cancels out the C and as long as I get a C+ in everything else, i still got my C+ average :D
which is kinda sad but .. :P

Thursday, November 26, 2009

termone - 69 SUPERBLOG D:!

merry christmas :D
well not yet :P but got the feeling started with the lights xD

we're gonna put up some more later when we get a longer extension cord :D then we can wrap the tree in lights! XD YEA! awesomeness
but u know what isnt awesome ... we put so much work into the story AND! ..... we didn't need it today >.> we had a sub and did do anything D:
awwwwwwwww ....
anyway :P
thanks to dad for the lights made my day :D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

termone - 68

ok ................. soo panic panic panic panic attack D:
so the books due tmr ... and ... we're screwed >.>
just finished it. ... actaully no ... WERE NOT EVEN FINISHED! D:!
have fun binding the book wayne :P vannesa said it took her 3 hrs

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

termone - 67

mmk so today ...
science sucked
english was weird ... carmen, allen, and uchen's speeches sounded like they got it off the internet ... :P and winnie changed the plot to our enlish story again
french sucked
foods was ockay :P
and i did a full trail run of my pwrpoint presentation :P 12 mins ish ... add in some stuff ... maybe answer some questions :P
then it'll hit the 14 min mark ish :P
and wayne D: im sorry

Monday, November 23, 2009

termone - 66

so much homework D:
like alot ......................... complain complain complain
my sister cries blah blah blah
french prjects messed >.> blah blah blah
english project's messed blah blah blah
work blah blah
had a 3 muskeeteers bar :D it was good :P

Sunday, November 22, 2009

termone - 65

wow >.>
ESPESICALLY ON THE ENGLISH PROJECT .... i was at winnies house for 8 hours o_o i mean WOW
left at 2 just got home >.< and geuss how much progress i got done D: like ... none >.>
we had to rewrite EVERYTHING
cuz we found there were just too many holes in the story, so yea >.> just took everything completely out D:
and started a new doc D:
and yea >.>
but at least i got to see the chiefs upset the steelers :D what a run by chample in OT set up the game winning field goal ":D

Saturday, November 21, 2009

termone - 64

YAY! !! !! :D
and other than that my day was all homework :p
which is boring so i wont tell you about it

Friday, November 20, 2009

termone - 63

ugh ...... so tired D:
tired tired tired ... need sleep >.>
but i have a game tmr! D:
SO I CANT SLEEP TOO MUCH! >< cuz then we'lll get blown out SO bad
which is not a good thing >.>
ugh ... atleast tmrs a home game so a 9:45 start ... ill get there at 9:30 ish
and so ill wake up at 9 ish
BOMBED the english speech ...
said nothing i wanted to say
and we tried to make him think that we were taking the vow of silence, but he didnt buy it :P
and then none of us did it for the rest of the day >.>
cuz we dont really care :P we just dont wanna do our speeches

Thursday, November 19, 2009

termone - 62

so we finally started our french project :P
yay ...
and hte best part was that i got a free dr pepper out of it! XD
and drank it in like 1 min :P
and i just got back :P
so first we went to the dollar store and got a fake cell phone and some laser pointers >.>
one of the lasers didnt work D: WHICH SUCKS cuz i was gonna keep one but it doesnt work anymore ... nooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dx

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

termone - 61

lots of rain .........
lots and lots of it .....
like alot
like this much
and loads of wind :P
soccer practice was like ...
amazingly wet
and coach ended it early cuz he said that the weather was too crazy ... in other words he chickened out :D
\better get used to it :P
man up cuz the weather's gonna get WORSE WAY WORSE
but we didnt have to do out english speeches :D
cuz mr hauck finished showing us the heat of the night movie ... WHICH WAS HORRIBLE!
the story was bad
the acting was bad
the effects were bad
everything is bad ...
if i were to rate it out of a scale of 9 - 10 itd get like a 2 xD

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

termone - 60

yay :D
i finished my english speech !!!!!!!!! :D
took me like 1 staright hr but :P
thats ok
and yea ... started basketbal;l in PE
and ..........
and ..
my dad got a new computer :D
just one problem ... he only want to keep 1 computer, and the one we have rite now has more RAM
and the other has more proccessing speed ...
what should we do? D:
eitherway ... i think im gonna get a computer! >=D

Monday, November 16, 2009

termone - 59

slept for most of today :P
and it was funnn ...
well ish
what i tryed to do is eat 15 pieces of those COWS caramels things, and then still try to sleep ...
wow o_o
i thought id be like not able to sleep ... but i did :P

Sunday, November 15, 2009

termone - 58

week 10 of the NFL season :D
and i finally got around to making breakfast for my family :D
and that was awesome :P
and whats also great is that i didnt have to do the dishes ... cuz we have a dishwasher! :D

Saturday, November 14, 2009

termone - 57

i got a easy button :D
and when you press it goes like .........
and then my sister stole it ... and kept pressing it >.> and its gonna run out of batteries soon ... and thats bad ... so ='(
my easy butoton ........... ><
and my mom wont let me take it away from her cuz she starts crying >.>
and im like MOM SHES GONNA BREAK IT! and shes like SHES SMALLER THAN YOU and im like SO?
so yea ='(

Friday, November 13, 2009

termone - 56

book test! done for this term! yay :D
and i went and ate breakfast and ate breakfast at school too :P
and then apps skills ... with the presentations ... wow o_o
those ... the thing about those is that with people taking notes, the powerpoints are like 30 mins long
theyd usually be like 15 mins but people have to like stop and wait so yea ;P
but other than that they were good ...
and then ss ... with the essay O.O DUNDUNDUN .... it wasnt actaully that hard ... :O
kinda easy if u think about it
its not the typical test that we usually get in school
most the ones we get are just like memorizing of stuff ... mr martin actaully makes you think :O
during the test i look at my notes like once ... and yea :p

Thursday, November 12, 2009

termone - 55

the in the heat of the night book is so bad
like really really bad
like if i were to rate it on a scale of 9 - 10 id get a zero >.>
thats how bad it is realy realy reallly
almost as bad as my speelling ><
and i got my foods and science marks today ................... o_o i got
73 ish for both :P
for both
which is what i kinda expected to get so ... yeaaaaaaa

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

termone - 54

3 oclock soccer pratice today ............ after sleeping till like 10 :D
i love sleep dont u love sleep? :$
and we're not gonna play next week >.> cuz its a cup game ... and our qualification game got us blown out like 92 D: that is not good ... but i wasnt there ... so its not my fault :d
so .... back to school tmr ... and then a proD day on monday :D YAY

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

termone - 53 SUPERBLOG D:!

finally got the elegant universe dvd :D!
now i can spend remembrance day watching it :P
and probably finish my powerpoint around thurday ish
and then i have the rest of the day to finish up my ss notes ... D:
total overload .... i hate work .... have i ever told you how much i hate work?

Monday, November 9, 2009

termone - 52

so ... wow o_o
my group in english and agree on ANYTHIN D:!
i really like my ideas >.> but no ones else does ... even though they're really good ideas D:
and its like they think its ok ... like they expect me to accept my ideas arent good enough D:
other than that lifes not bad ...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

termone - 51

ahh .... novembre ...... D:
school tmr >.>
happy birthday to my little sister lily :D
making pretty good ish progress on my work ... ISH
started my notes ... and i have a book source :D ... i think o_o im pretty sure counts as a book source :P
which is good cuz i needed one : D
gonna go run some laps now :D

Saturday, November 7, 2009

termone - 50

wow >.>
my game was so bad ...
that ref was so bad o_o
so bad ... that i cant even find a picture on the internet bad enough to describe him D:! OMG
but he liked our team ... cuz we're cool B)
but we still lost so badly ... 6-2 o.o
or 7 - 2 i cant remember ... all that i know is that jogpaul got 2 goals o_o
he is like the only person on our team that can do ANYTHING ... he has like 6 goals or something and i dont think anyone else on the team has more than 2 ... more than 1 even maybe ...
that is NOT good ... remember my prediction at the begging of the season ... i think i put it on the blog o_O maybe not ... anyway ...
i said that we were gonna win 2 more games than the detroit lions >.> so we're gonna go 2 - 14 this year .... D:! badd ... -.-
and i stand by that ... ish
except now that i think we're gonna go 1 - 15 -.-

Friday, November 6, 2009

termone - 49

wow o_o so many people are getting book tests ...
i was there for like half an hour D: and i only spent like 5 mins on tests >.>
and yomi's mad at me ...
and i forgot the dvds ...
and >.> neither of those things are good ...
so ... yea ......... thats it :p
happy friday everyone

Thursday, November 5, 2009

termone - 48

happy birthday :D
to me
i have cake :D
which is like the best part of my day :P
other than that it wasnt the best o_o too many birthday beats ....
and theres this roumour going around that mr jefferson is gonna suspend all the rugby players that didnt show up to some of the games or meetings ... which is like just about .......... everyone O.O
and something about not being able to play sports for the next 2 years or something :P iunno
awesome ...

Monday, November 2, 2009

termone - 46

ugh >< WOW ................................ today when we were playing football ... i was awesome :P BUT ... my team could not play defense D: I GOT 4 TOUCHDOWNS ... and we lost o_o
thats just not right .......
and gratz to zane's team on the intermural win ... even though he wasnt there for some reason o.O
so yea ..........
my dad got the fish ... and they suck xP
all they're doing is just sitting in a corner and yea ... just that ... nothing else D: which is like what ud kinda expect cuz they were like 99cents each xD

Sunday, November 1, 2009

termone - 45

i get to raise fish ... yay
no offense to fish, their cool and all ... they just dont do much ... all they do is swim around in their little bowls and eat crakers
unlike the Vikings ... WHO DESTROYED THE PACKERS! xD
farve goes into lambeu field and just BLOWS
theyre my pick to win the superbowl ...