Friday, November 13, 2009

termone - 56

book test! done for this term! yay :D
and i went and ate breakfast and ate breakfast at school too :P
and then apps skills ... with the presentations ... wow o_o
those ... the thing about those is that with people taking notes, the powerpoints are like 30 mins long
theyd usually be like 15 mins but people have to like stop and wait so yea ;P
but other than that they were good ...
and then ss ... with the essay O.O DUNDUNDUN .... it wasnt actaully that hard ... :O
kinda easy if u think about it
its not the typical test that we usually get in school
most the ones we get are just like memorizing of stuff ... mr martin actaully makes you think :O
during the test i look at my notes like once ... and yea :p

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