Friday, November 20, 2009

termone - 63

ugh ...... so tired D:
tired tired tired ... need sleep >.>
but i have a game tmr! D:
SO I CANT SLEEP TOO MUCH! >< cuz then we'lll get blown out SO bad
which is not a good thing >.>
ugh ... atleast tmrs a home game so a 9:45 start ... ill get there at 9:30 ish
and so ill wake up at 9 ish
BOMBED the english speech ...
said nothing i wanted to say
and we tried to make him think that we were taking the vow of silence, but he didnt buy it :P
and then none of us did it for the rest of the day >.>
cuz we dont really care :P we just dont wanna do our speeches

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