Saturday, November 7, 2009

termone - 50

wow >.>
my game was so bad ...
that ref was so bad o_o
so bad ... that i cant even find a picture on the internet bad enough to describe him D:! OMG
but he liked our team ... cuz we're cool B)
but we still lost so badly ... 6-2 o.o
or 7 - 2 i cant remember ... all that i know is that jogpaul got 2 goals o_o
he is like the only person on our team that can do ANYTHING ... he has like 6 goals or something and i dont think anyone else on the team has more than 2 ... more than 1 even maybe ...
that is NOT good ... remember my prediction at the begging of the season ... i think i put it on the blog o_O maybe not ... anyway ...
i said that we were gonna win 2 more games than the detroit lions >.> so we're gonna go 2 - 14 this year .... D:! badd ... -.-
and i stand by that ... ish
except now that i think we're gonna go 1 - 15 -.-

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