Wednesday, December 31, 2008

TermTwo - 30

GIANT hockey game today =) canada VS the usA
ive got loads of school stuff to do heres a list
PS its organized 

Science Fair
Get a spreadsheet
Write out new procedure
Carry out expirement with other types of gummy bears
Finish worksheets

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

TermTwo - 29

Finished the first part of my science project =) technically i finished all of it but then i might compare with another brand of gummy bears. i hope ms smeldley wont get mad cuz i didnt write that in my procedure. haha >=) the only thing i actaully stuck with was my hypothesis. =)
still dont get the english citation sheet

Monday, December 29, 2008

Extention 12


Write the six most important things in your life in the boxes below. Take your time. Try to be completely honest with yourself. No one needs to know the results but you.

Examples: education, family, friends, knowledge, religion, art, career, health, happiness, travel, relationships, athletics, you choose.


1) family

2) health






My #1 priority in life:


my family DUH




How would anyone know that family is my #1 priority in life?

help around the house, spend some time with them, give and take advice, be nice, get along.



What things can I do to this week and this month to keep it #1?

Take care and play with my sister a little more. dont scare her and be nicer.


TermTwo - 28

Day 1 of my science project =) imma go downstairs in 2 hrs and measure the gummy bears then out them back in for another day. 
Canada vs Germany today. =) 
Mat Sundin is in town! ... or will be anyway =p

Sunday, December 28, 2008

TermTwo - 27

Canada beat Kazakhstan 15 - 0! WOW! Jamie Benn got the hat trick =). They play Germany tommorow and the americans on newyearseve =P should be a good one
Got my science project started today =) 5 gummy bears tested 23 eaten ^.^

Saturday, December 27, 2008

TermTwo - 26

Im at my dad lab =)
got a really cool scale =P electronic so now i can start my project and probably be finished before the new year ish ... =)

TermTwo - 26

Im going to my dad lab to get some stuff for my science project (which i havent started yet)
i need um ... some way to measure mass =P

Friday, December 26, 2008

TermTwo - 25

i just had a snoball fight =)
i cant aim =P
team canada plays the cheks at 4 =) canadas gonna OWN!

TermTwo - 25

merry day after christmas =)
happy boxing day
yesterday was ... fun ish =P
my dads friends came over to our place and we watched a couple of movies and made dumplings =) doesnt that sound fun???? =D

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Extention 11


Michelangelo created his artistic masterpieces in his mind before creating them on a wall, ceiling, canvas, or stone. Henry Ford envisioned the design for the first automobile before he built it. Both of these men stepped back from life and took time to visualize what they wanted to create.

Think deeply about your life and purpose. Write a response for each of the following questions:

What are your greatest strengths?

im pretty good at sports and ... I can be poetic on paper .. ish. ______________________________________

What do you deeply enjoy doing? 

Sports. Science. Snow =).


What things are most important to you? 

My family. Friends. My future. What otheres think about me.


TermTwo - 24

merry christmas ^.^
i got candy =P and 200$ chinese (my granparents are on town)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

TermTwo - 23

=) just saw Dark Night. =P it was awesome =D
now im watching the new mummy movvie

TermTwo - 23

I had the WEIRDEST DREAM yestrday ... ready...??? ready ... ??? I dreamt my mom was santa and i was this evil elf guy who killed all her servants! =O I KNOW!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

TermTwo - 22

didnt get to go to waynes house today ... =( 

TermTwo - 22

sooooo .... cold ...., brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
got the wireless router set up for my laptop
cant go to waynes house and eat his cookies cuz hes go "christmas shopping"! xP
I asked him to get me an easy button so i could give it to someone ... =)
not saying who. 

TermTwo - 22

=( im sad ... ish
I spend 12 hrs downloading a program and now it doesnt work. sigh =(
I still havent started on my science project, which is bad. 
might go to waynes house (again)

Monday, December 22, 2008

TermTwo - 21

Just another day ... with nothing to do ...  theres still 10000000000mtrs of snow so i might go to waynes house today .... or renes have a snobal fight. =(
the socials forum kinda sucks cuz we dont know whose who

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Extension 10

L E S S O N 10: Vision


Visualize yourself, about a half block away, walking toward yourself. You see yourself as you would like to be one year from now.

What do you look like?

I guess almost exactly the same ... taller smiling and talking to someone. I'd probably have the same spring in my step.


What things are important to you? 

School I guess. Friends, family, sports. Im gonna try out for the basketball and soccer teams. Point guard for BBall and goalie for soccer.


What have you done over the past year with your life? 

I've probably raised my grades a bit and be better at calculations and grammar. Spelling too hopefully.


How would your friends describe the "year from now" you?

The same as always. Carefree, relaxed, calm. Doesn't really think before he talks, (or types).____________________________________________________________

Extension 9

LESSON 9: The Pause Button

1)       Get yourself into groups of five or six and create a scene, commercial, role play, poem or song that best illustrates the ideas behind The Pause Button


Every time it gets frustrating

and you're tired of complicating



and think about what you're gonna do


Don't get into trouble

by thinking on the double

try to stop every once in a while

don't go by error and trail

every time that there's something bad

there's always good things that'll be had

if you think about what you're gonna do

then the truth will become true!


Every time it gets frustrating

and you're tired of complicating



and think about what you're gonna do






2)      Write in your journal about a quote by Theodore Rossevelt

      If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.       

Dont blame others for what happens to you. |It's your fault, one way or another. Like, if you get a bad mark on you  r test, its your fault you didnt study. Dont blame the teacher. If you cant wake up its your fault you didnt sleep enough. Dont throw your alarm clock out the window, then you'll wake up tommorow and complaine your clock didnt wake you up because it had "dissepeared"

TermTwo - 20

I got gift for my mom my sis and ... yea. I ran out of money when i was getting something for dad. But im going to staples today =D to get an easy button =) THAT WAS EASY! haha =P he'll love it

Saturday, December 20, 2008

TermTwo - 19

Guess who got a laptop =)
Guess whose using his laptop

TermTwo - 19

First day of nothingness ... =) bored bored boredboredboredboredboredboredbored ...
watching a movie ... and the guy just dumped by the girl =)
... might post somehting later bye

Friday, December 19, 2008

TermTwo - 18

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! =) 
i got eugene and iris gift cards and eugene gave me chocolate =( he could have gotten me jelly beans but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo =(
no more school
no more homework
no more soccer
time to waste time and do nothing

Thursday, December 18, 2008

TermTwo - 17

The party was nice =) i tried to get some caroling going but that didnt work =(
I cant believe that the canucks got MAT SUNDIN! 20 mil a year ... i think ... not sure
ARGH! i have to get something for Iris cuz if i dont she'll be really mad hmmmmmmm ... maybe a gift card and some chocolate ...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

TermTwo - 16

Soooooooo .... colllldoldddd ... brrrrrr
=) its trevor linden night.
Plan -
Get home work done
Watch the game at 6
got 45mins
better get started 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Extension 5

Use the EBA Log to record your actions and words with specific people over the next week...(This isn't a scorecard, only a way to help you gain an awareness of your deposits and withdrawals.)


Person: Mom

On a scale of –10 to +10, mark where you think you fall in terms of an Emotional Bank Account balance with this person.



-10             0               +10





Apologized when i did

something wrong 






Helped take care of my sister





 Didnt listen to her when she

told me to put on a jacket












Person: Wayne

On a scale of –10 to +10, mark where you think you fall in terms of an Emotional Bank Account balance with this person.



-10             0               +10









Waited for him when he

was borrowing a book 
















Person: My Sister

On a scale of –10 to +10, mark where you think you fall in terms of an Emotional Bank Account balance with this person.



-10             0               +10



Played with her

Said Hi to her when I got home







TermTwo - 15

SNOW DAY! tommorow! ... maybe ... hopefully
concert at school today, the winter concert. =( 
Im sooooooooo scared im gonna mess up. 
31/41 on my science test
40/50 on my english test
2 Bs

Monday, December 15, 2008

TermTwo - 14

has a good side and a bad side ...
good side ... its snow =D
bad side ... people can stuff your face in it. =(
thats what happned most of the time when i was walking home with Wayne, and Rene, and Kevin.
snow hurts =(
i forgot to give ms smedley my science proposal ... i hope she wont  be mad
Cant find a box to put my gift in not happy

Sunday, December 14, 2008

TermTwo - 13

nearly christmas time, im gonna go to Starbucks and get a gift card tommorow.
You know what Im gonna do for the present?? get a HUGE box like 1 of those computers com in and stuff. Get a lid, and tape the gift card to the lid. So when they open the box theres gonna be nothing in there =) 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

TermTwo - 12

We won our soccer game!!!!!!!! Forgot the score, but we had ATLEAST 7 goals. They scored 2 which really sucks cuz if they hadnt i wouldve gotten a shutout.
Canucks go into oil country tonight, with out Louie.
Still havent gotten my party gift yet, probably gonna get something today or tommmorow, like a gift card. If I dont have anything by Monday, I'll just go to Starbucks and get a 10$ card. SHHHHHHHHH!

Friday, December 12, 2008

TermTwo - 11

2 As and 6 Bs! not bad.. Soccer game tommorow ... in the probable pouring rain.
Didnt hand im my science fair proposal cuz ms smedly wasnt here ... THE SUB WAS SCARY!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

TermTwo - 10

I just finished my science fair writeup, about the gummy bears and the acid. Had a slurpee when I was coming home. I hate drinking slurpees in the winter. They freeze and then you have to eat them instead of drinking them.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Extention 8

Is there an area in your life you are unhappy about or frustrated by-classes, a subject, friends, family, work? 

There's some teachers that I dont really like (not naming names)
What are you unhappy about or frustrated by? For example, do you feel powerless, hopeless, or used? Describe the situation. 

Not ussually. Sometimes when other people get something that I really wanter but didnt get, I might feel down. But I usually bounce back, to feel happy for them.
How have you been responding? What do you do? What is your attitude? 

Most of the time if someones bugging me off I just ignore it and walk away. Most of the time its about stuff I dont really care about like sports positions or lineups and stuff like that.
What other (more proactive) ways might you respond to this situation? 
I could try to change the situation instead of just going along with their idea.
If this situation comes up during the week, remember to take a moment and choose your response. Set up an action plan with steps on how to change your reactive reaction to one where you are more in control and feeling better about the situation. 

If its something not really important, like small arguments, I'll just let it go and not bother me. If its something I care about I'll give them my opinion.

Extension 7

Scenario A

You overhear your best friend bad-mouthing you in front of a group. She doesn't know you overheard the conversation. Just five minutes ago, this same friend was sweet-talking you to your face. You feel hurt and betrayed.

If you were reactive, what might you say?

How could you?!?!?! I trusted you and this is what happens??? I hate you!


If you were proactive, what would you say?

Why were you doing that??Is there something you want to tell me?__________________________________________________________________


Scenario B

Your mother has grounded you for the rest of the month because you didn't come home from a friend's sleep-over party by the time you said you would. You feel hurt, not only because she doesn't seem to be listening to your reasons for being late, but also because she hasn't really been around for you to talk to much lately.


If you were reactive, what might you say? 

Its not my fault! I forgot, and you didnt call to remind me. And we were playing games.


If you were proactive, what would you say? 

I'm sorry Mom. I should've come home when I said I would. Do you wanna talk about it?


It's not what happens to you in life, it's what you do about it.            -W. Mitchell

Extension 6

People are proactive when they do not blame other things or people for what happens to them. Reactive people try to hold other people or things responsible for their behavior. Read the examples below and explain why you think they are proactive or reactive.


Situation #1

Leilani hadn't done the assigned reading for her English class, so when the due date for a book review on the reading came around, she had no report to turn in. Instead of telling her teacher that there hadn't been enough time given for the assignment, she thought about all of the TV she'd watched over the weekend. She told the teacher she hadn't made good use of her time and asked if she could turn in the paper the next day for a late grade.


How was Leilani proactive or reactive?


She was proactive because she took responsibility for her mistake and tried to make up for it. 



Situation #2

Karl and his friends had been waiting anxiously for the school holiday because they had planned to go rollerblading on the sidewalks of a nearby college campus. When he saw it raining hard the morning they were set to go, he felt so angry that the weather was bad that he told his friends he just didn't feel like doing anything. He staying inside all day and complained to his family about his rotten luck.


How was Karl proactive or reactive?


Karl was reactive. He didn't try to make things better, just complained and blamed other things and people.


Situation #3

Brittany felt bad when she didn't get a part in the school play. But after she thought about it for a few minutes, she realized that the biggest reason she'd gone for a part was that she wanted to be involved in the production, so she got a job with the stage crew. She helped paint the sets and worked the lights during the play, and by the time the production was over, she felt she'd had as much fun, if not more fun, being backstage as she would have had with an onstage role.


How was Brittany proactive or reactive?


Totally proactive. She took control of what was happening and changed what she didnt like.
