Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Extension 4



You are riding your bike on the outskirts of town, down a quiet country road. There's a steep hill along the road that you hate to climb but love to coast down. Just as you reach the top, you see a small group of children-they're no more than six or seven years old-huddled by the side of the road. You see them notice you, so you're sure they'll stay out of your way as you zoom down the hill.


You start into your coast, picking up speed, and everything is going along great until you pass the group of children. Allof a sudden, a rocks comes sailing through the air and hits you on the side of your head! You can't believe it-one of those kids has pitched a rock at you at a moment when you could easily have lost your balance and wrecked at high speed.


1) What feelings do you have, or think you might have, after reading Part A?


OW! That hurt! I hope they say sorry



2) What would you say and do in this situation?


I'd just keep going. If it was an accident then its an accident. Accidents happen. But if it was on purpose im not gonna force them to apoligize._____________________________________________________________________________



PART B read the paragraph below.


1)    What feelings do you have, or think you might have, after reading Part B?


Oh. My bad. Get that kid out of the ditch and get him to a hospital.



2) What would you say in this situation?


It's cool if you want someones attention, especially when something like this happens. Next time shout of something though. I could've gotten stuck in a ditch too



Part B

After stopping and talking to the kids you find out that one of them is in the ditch at the side of the road with a serious injury and needs to go to the hospital, they had been trying to get someone to stop, and the only way to get your attention was to throw the rock.

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