Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Extension 7

Scenario A

You overhear your best friend bad-mouthing you in front of a group. She doesn't know you overheard the conversation. Just five minutes ago, this same friend was sweet-talking you to your face. You feel hurt and betrayed.

If you were reactive, what might you say?

How could you?!?!?! I trusted you and this is what happens??? I hate you!


If you were proactive, what would you say?

Why were you doing that??Is there something you want to tell me?__________________________________________________________________


Scenario B

Your mother has grounded you for the rest of the month because you didn't come home from a friend's sleep-over party by the time you said you would. You feel hurt, not only because she doesn't seem to be listening to your reasons for being late, but also because she hasn't really been around for you to talk to much lately.


If you were reactive, what might you say? 

Its not my fault! I forgot, and you didnt call to remind me. And we were playing games.


If you were proactive, what would you say? 

I'm sorry Mom. I should've come home when I said I would. Do you wanna talk about it?


It's not what happens to you in life, it's what you do about it.            -W. Mitchell

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