Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Extension 6

People are proactive when they do not blame other things or people for what happens to them. Reactive people try to hold other people or things responsible for their behavior. Read the examples below and explain why you think they are proactive or reactive.


Situation #1

Leilani hadn't done the assigned reading for her English class, so when the due date for a book review on the reading came around, she had no report to turn in. Instead of telling her teacher that there hadn't been enough time given for the assignment, she thought about all of the TV she'd watched over the weekend. She told the teacher she hadn't made good use of her time and asked if she could turn in the paper the next day for a late grade.


How was Leilani proactive or reactive?


She was proactive because she took responsibility for her mistake and tried to make up for it. 



Situation #2

Karl and his friends had been waiting anxiously for the school holiday because they had planned to go rollerblading on the sidewalks of a nearby college campus. When he saw it raining hard the morning they were set to go, he felt so angry that the weather was bad that he told his friends he just didn't feel like doing anything. He staying inside all day and complained to his family about his rotten luck.


How was Karl proactive or reactive?


Karl was reactive. He didn't try to make things better, just complained and blamed other things and people.


Situation #3

Brittany felt bad when she didn't get a part in the school play. But after she thought about it for a few minutes, she realized that the biggest reason she'd gone for a part was that she wanted to be involved in the production, so she got a job with the stage crew. She helped paint the sets and worked the lights during the play, and by the time the production was over, she felt she'd had as much fun, if not more fun, being backstage as she would have had with an onstage role.


How was Brittany proactive or reactive?


Totally proactive. She took control of what was happening and changed what she didnt like.


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