Thursday, December 4, 2008

Extention 1


for each of the 7 habits match up one strong and one poor character describers

The 7 Habits
1)Be Proactive ___d__ ___c__
2)Begin With the End in Mind __e___ __b___
3)Put First Things First ___c__ ___g__
4) Think Win-Win ___b__ ___d__
5)Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood __f___ ___e__
6)Synergize ___a__ __f___
7)Sharpen the Saw __g___ __a___

Strong Character Describers

A. You value creative cooperation, differences in others, and teamwork. You know that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
B. You see life as an "all-you-can-­eat-buffet." Your spirit of cooperation is always looking out for others making sure that they can get what they want too.
C. You get the right things done and walk your talk.
D. You choose your response to what happens around you and take responsibility for your life.
E. You are continually improving yourself and enhancing your life in all areas.
F. You are nonjudgmental and intent on learning the needs and concerns of others.
G. You have a deep sense of personal meaning and are living out your personal mission each day.

Poor Character Describers

a. "Pass the corn chips!" You have lost the cutting edge you once had and have fallen back and lost interest in any self-improvement.
b. "Live and let live!" You live your life based on society's values and "what goes" instead of putting in the time to uncover your personal mission.
c. "It's not my fault!" You are the eternal victim-nothing is ever your fault. You are waiting for good things to come your way. Your life is what others make it.
d. "Three people matter: me, myself, and I" You see life as a zero-sum game. You are defensive and are only looking out for "number 1."
e. "I'll tell you what to do!" Since you know what people are saying only seconds after they start talking, you help them with your good experienced advice.
f. "It's my way or the highway!" You try to clone people into your own way of thinking and just want to see your ideas, good or bad, done.
g. "Just let me get this done!" You are constantly in crisis mode, doing things at the last minute and letting people and activities really important to you fade away as you try to get urgent things done.

I hope this works for you Mr Olson

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